Category Archives: Beth Konopka Bergmann

Post Vacation “Detox”

Ever since our vacation posts we’ve been fielding a bunch of questions about ‘detoxing’. Ugh – first off, detoxification is an ugly, ugly word. The word ‘detox’ insinuates that there is something in your body that needs to be removed. This begs the question, how did that something get there in the first place?

massive cheat day

“I dunno, I just blacked out.”

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Gym Etiquette 101: 5 Fashion Faux Pas

This may seem trite, but high up on my list of pet peeves concerning gym etiquette is what people wear at the gym.

What does what I wear to the gym have to do with exercise?

A lot. Not only does what you wear at the gym tell me oodles about who you are as a person, it tells me even more about how you are going to conduct yourself on the gym floor.

When implements weighing as much as 3x my bodyweight are being pushed, pulled, thrown and dropped on the floor around me and my clients, I’m always overly cautious and judgmental of people who wear (or don’t wear) the following items:

#1 Jeans

3 jeans working outCasual Friday?

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For the love of all that is healthy, wash your f*!king produce.

Hooray! It’s Friday, which means today is the day the Bergmanns get in the Charger and bust a move to the grocery store!

This is what food shopping looks like for us these days:

In all seriousness, now that you eat a cup of veggies with every meal (you are doing this right?), and have a stockpile of delectable produce in your fridge, you MUST MUST MUST learn the zen of bathing your produce.

“What the hell? Why do I have to give my produce a bath?”

First of all, the life cycle of produce has MANY stages. It doesn’t just appear in the supermarket direct from the tree/plant/vine (whatever). That apple you ate on the way home from the shop has also been man handled by every Tom, Dick and Harry in the system and, statistically speaking, one of them (probably Dick) came to work with the flu.

Actually, one of the most common contaminants found on store bound fruit and vegetables is human perspiration.

Sexy Farmer

(Picture is a dramatization of how actual produce is farmed.)

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Three Things I learned in 2013

1) 3 Reasons Beauty Kills

poison beauty
Allergies, hives, headaches, dry skin, eczema, irregular menses, brittle nails, acne, irritated eyes, thyroid issues, trouble conceiving… These are just a few of the side effects a person can experience by using commonplace personal care products and cosmetics. After years of chasing some of my own symptoms I recently discovered a major contributor could be the chemical exposure from daily use of my bath and beauty products. Continue reading