Rolling With Your Homies

We’re in anxious times. Last week, as Covid-19 (coronavirus) started sweeping the nation and as our state began considering locking down, we started freaking out.

Your reaction may have been similar to ours:

-Watch news
-Check social media
-Read news
-Check social media
-Read about symptoms of Covid
-Watch news
-Check PubMed for statistical analysis of potential false positive rates
-Check social media
-Read up on the 1918 Flu Pandemic (Spanish Flu)
-Realize it’s been 17 hours since you moved from your couch and you’re no longer sure that you can because there’s no blood left in your lowerbody.

After we successfully got the cats to help us off the couch…

Greatest cat in the world

…we knew we needed a plan to keep ourselves afloat. We decided on two things:

1) For 5-10 hours per day we would do a micro-workout. Every hour, on the hour(ish), we would do a quick circuit of exercises. We’ll fill you in on that in a separate blog, but needless to say it involves the Fibonacci Sequence.

Fibonacci Sequence

I mean obviously, right?

2) We would start each day with a bit of gentle movement and soft tissue work. We have a very targeted foam rolling / lacrosse ball / double-track ball + mobilization + activation series for ourselves (and if you’re one of our clients, you probably have one too); but, we figured that a generic foam rolling series would be good for everyone (assuming you have a foam roller).

Quick note: the foam roller should feel a bit like a deep tissue massage, but nothing should create numbness, tingling, pin and needles, or any sort of sharp pain.

Get rolling, homies!